Hi! I'm Jianing

Currently 3rd year student at L'école de design Nantes Altlantique, I'm looking for an apprenticeship for a duration of 2 years. If you are interested about my profile, please check on my resume and let's get in touch !

Follow me on my social media to discover more of my works :)

a picture of me

A bit more about me

I love to create, always trying to provide people centered design. Never giving up on details you’ll always find me looking for innovative yet efficient way to achieve my goal.

Being passionate by creative art and design, it is also my intention to reflect this passion in my work and to transmit it to the people I’m designing for and with.

Outside of school

Coming from China, I love traveling, discover new cultures and food. I spent 4 years in Italy and hold dear this country and culture, this is where I learned to love visiting museum and keep doing so today to feed my creativity.

Want to discover my serious side ?

Here’s my work