Internship at Onepoint


  • July - Oct 2021

Who is Onepoint?

Onepoint is a French Digital Services Company specialized in the digital transformation of companies and organizations. Created in 2002 by David LAYANI, is now established in several countries spread over 15 sites.


My first professional experience as a UI/UX designer was a 4-month internship at Onepoint. During those, I participated in various project with different setup, it could be either alone or in a team, but each time I would be autonomous and responsible of the task or project I was assigned to.

In case of struggle, it was always possible to refer to my tutor or the designer team which could guide me and help me progress further. Regarding said team, we had a weekly meeting each Friday to resume what we did during the week and share our knowledge. We also took this opportunity to challenge ourselves when proposing a solution. I especially found those moment very valuables as they taught me to be a good listener and improve my analysis skills when someone would share some problematic.

My role

While at Onepoint, most of my tasks were related to create user interfaces as well as ensuring the user experience overall. My first project was to create an internal application, along with a design system, its objective was to make easier the organisation and follow up of workshops inside the company.

At the begining of this project, my tutor was with me to help me find my mark as I never did design system nor was being familiar with sketch, but I quickly became autonomous, using atomic design methodologie to put logic into my workflow and gain in efficiency.

Following this project, I did join the team of StreetRiders, a mobile game created for the Devfest Nantes 2021 and presented it during the event. As the only designer of the team I was in charge of all the graphics of the game. You can find out more about it by following this link.

Aside of those two projects, I did several other such as the visual identity of “La conciergerie”, an internal sevice to welcome and help collaborators in need and a video to present it. I participated in the prototype of the “Visite virtuelle” application created to present the new building of Onepoint Nantes. Sometimes I helped my colleagues with some illustrations... I was always being proactive and tried to take more responsibilities by myself.


In general, I am very satisfied with my internship. The different subjects that I worked on helped me to improve my skills in UI/UX design but also my efficiency in production. Also, working with professional was so different from what I was used to at school, I developed my communication skills and was trying to reach out for other when in need for help.

During this period, I discovered the agile methodology to realise a project, this allowed me to see alternative way of doing things while organising my workflow. I also got the chance to participate in a project that was released in production. The fact that I could see the reaction of our users made the whole experience very meaningful for me, along with a feeling of pride regarding my work.

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